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Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Grand Adventure Comes to an End!!

Well, we did it! We visited all 50 states by sitting on our buns and watching movies. It was a good way to spend some winter nights. We only used the movies we had but one. We did buy one for North Dakota. We did get reacquainted with some good movies we had forgotten and many favorites. We ended up with seven links to check filming locations, state facts, nicknames and movie trivia and stumbled upon new information about the areas we were going. Using the Stat's function, it was fun to see that people from the US, Canada, Russia, Kenya, Hungary, Indonesia and Japan all accidentally visited my blog. My sister, Sue, saw my blog and figured that if I could do it anyone could. She, of course, has taken hers to a whole different level and you should check it out at
I don't have any idea what to do now, but if I can't figure it out, it's back to chopping firewood.
Please Help!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Movies from every state day- 50 - Alaska

I know. Finally we're back and ready to tackle our last and favorite state. " The last Frontier" and  " The Land of the Midnight Sun" are both very appropriate nicknames for ALASKA! We did live there for 30 years, so we got kind of attached to the place. This is one big dang state. Placed over the rest of our country, not including Hawaii, it would spread from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Canada to Mexico. We lived on two different islands in Alaska. They were Popof in the Shumagin Islands of SW Alaska and secondly Prince of Wales Island in SE Alaska. Even at 1085 miles apart, they were still closer than other points in this vast state. It's so big it's going to take more than one movie to cover this one. What better movie to start with than "North to Alaska". Not only does it cover the far NW area of Alaska at Nome, it's got John "The Duke" Wayne as it's star and if that's not enough, it has the 1960's heart throb Fabian in it. The Duke shows his tough as usual side, but in this one he gets to show a lighter and comedic side. Although the closest this got to being filmed in Alaska was the Yukon Territory of Canada I'm including it anyway. Next up is "Chilly Dogs" first released as "Kevin of the North". A LA travel salesman gets a big inheritance and travels to Alaska for a big adventure. He ends up in the most amazing sled dog race on earth, the Iditarod, a race, from Anchorage to Nome.  It's kind of corny, but corny's OK.   At least 3 more to come soon!

We could have re-watched  Hawaii's - 50 First Dates, since it's last scene is in Blackstone Bay, Alaska.
or  North Carolina's - Hunt for Red October, it's first scene was of the Port Valdez, AK., but we won't.
We still have three to go and we'll start with one that really shows the danger of the ocean and the bravery of those that rescue those who find out just how dangerous it really is. The Guardian is a fairly good portrayal of what the members of the US Coast Guard are willing to do to save others.
Most of the rescues are based on actual events.
Just making it though Rescue Swimmers training should be enough. Since they are the ones that actually jump out of perfectly good aircraft they get the glory, but all on the crew are the true portrait of heroism.
Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher make a good team as a veteran rescue swimmer helps to train a rookie. This movie could have been used for Oregon, California, Louisiana and North Carolina but Alaska weather and remoteness puts these USCG men and women to the ultimate test.
Our next film will be far less emotional, at least for me, and although it was filmed off the east coast parts of it were set in Sitka. It's star is female and she's in at least six movies of our collection. There will be an Alaska prize in it for the first correct answer posted before we watch it.
I decided to watch another one while you're trying to figure out who and what the other movie is going to be. It just so happens this one is about Alaska, Dogs and a professional that lives in the warm south, this time Florida, that has to go to the state about a will. This one is "Snow Dogs". An adopted guy who follows in his stepfathers foot steps and becomes a dentist. He inherits a dog team and runs the big race. It's funny, stupid, they mispronounce some Alaska names and none of it is actually filmed there. Other than that it's great! You do get to see some excellent Canadian scenery. Must be magic. During Snow Dogs we got our first dusting of the year at our house. Not enough to plow with LeRoy, but it's nice out!
Our next to the last film also is "set" in Alaska, but the cheap buggers didn't want to fork out the money to actually film in Sitka and the surrounding area. Don't they know that it's ecomomy needs stimulation as did Massachusetts. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are both favorites of ours and it also has Betty White, Mary Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson. "The Proposal" is a fun movie, but the sun does not rise from the ocean in Sitka it sets into it. I want the family home and of course the money to staff it.
This is it! The last movie in our last state. It's been a great adventure getting to know the USA a little bit better (no not ready for a geography test, Sue!). What better way to end our trip than with one about a family we know well. This story is about the Wortman family, father Elmo, son Randy and daughters Cindy and Jena. Elmo first wrote the book as "Four Against the Wilderness" If I remember correctly, he didn't like what the editors had done and retold the story in "Almost to Late". The movie was released as "Anything to Survive" Staring Robert Conrad, Matt Leblanc and others. As with most movies based on true stories, they get a lot wrong and once again Alaska gets the shaft in that it was filmed in British Columbia, but you'll get some idea of what this family went through and what kind of people they are. If you've traveled the area where they were, as we have, you'd have a better understanding of just how much "up the creek without a paddle" they were. They survive unbelievable hardship, show an amazing will to live and use their skills and Alaskan spirit to get them through this ordeal that would have beat most of us.