Well, we did it! We visited all 50 states by sitting on our buns and watching movies. It was a good way to spend some winter nights. We only used the movies we had but one. We did buy one for North Dakota. We did get reacquainted with some good movies we had forgotten and many favorites. We ended up with seven links to check filming locations, state facts, nicknames and movie trivia and stumbled upon new information about the areas we were going. Using the Stat's function, it was fun to see that people from the US, Canada, Russia, Kenya, Hungary, Indonesia and Japan all accidentally visited my blog. My sister, Sue, saw my blog and figured that if I could do it anyone could. She, of course, has taken hers to a whole different level and you should check it out at
I don't have any idea what to do now, but if I can't figure it out, it's back to chopping firewood.
Please Help!