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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Movies from every state day 27-Wisconsin

 The badger is one ferocious little bugger and has been has been associated with tonights state since territorial days but became the official state animal and nickname of Wisconsin in 1957. Another of the shows I've watched several times and don't tire off is "Iron Will".  It's the "Rudy" the "Rocky" of dog sledding. During the race we'll visit Oliver and Superior Wisconsin. The story of a young man that looses his father and enters a long distance dog race to save the family farm. Will Stoneman is like the badger in that he bit into an dream and refused to let go. A great Disney movie that would have made Walt proud.


1 comment:

  1. My concern is that when you run out of states, you will begin annexing other countries forcing war, mayhem and the production of lots of replacement flags. I will continue to follow events with interest.
